Monday, 12 April 2010

A Simple Way To Measure The Food You Eat During a Weight Loss Program

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Many people ask: "I'm committed to losing weight but I get confused with all the different grams and amounts of food to eat. Is there a SIMPLE way to make sense of all this?


You need to start thinking of food in "portions". Don't even THINK of starting to count every calorie in every food or every protein gram. That will just confuse you.

Try eating 6 times a day and have a portion of protein and a portion of carbs in each meal. A portion is more or less the size of your fist. Don't try to "add" any fat - you will likely consume it whether you like it or not since it can be found almost everywhere.

Examples of "portions"


a 200-gram can of tuna
a cup of milk
half a chicken breast
3 eggs


A slice of bread.
An apple
a cup of rice

See? Is that too complicated? Look at the size of your fist and that's a very good rule of thumb (or rule of fist if you prefer).


Just combine a portion of protein with a portion of carbs every meal. If some fat exists as well, that's cool, don't sweat it...

The human eye can understand more or less how much "volume" an object has - and our brain is used to comparing "objects" of different size - that's how we can relate and make decisions.

Look at your carb portion. Is it the size of your fist (or palm)? Then you should be fine. If it's much bigger, then chances are that you won't be fine.

K.I.S.S: "Keep It Simple Smarty" (by the way, this is one of my favorite rock bands as well). You'll see that you'll get the hang of it in no time...

It's important that the weight loss program you follow is SIMPLE. The fewer parts a machine has, the better the chances that it will continue working without breaking down. Don't focus on the 95% of things that will give you 5% of the results. Focus on the 5% of things that will give you 95% of the results.

Don't go for a "100% perfect" weight loss program that you will only be able to stick to for 3 days. Go with an "80% perfect program that you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life without even thinking about it...

By: George Black

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Thursday, 8 April 2010

4 Ways to Fail at Weight Loss

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Millions of people in America are trying to lose weight without much success. There are many reasons for this failure, although most would rather give up than fix their mistakes. Weight loss is hard! Without a little patience and knowledge about nutrition and exercise, your best weight loss plan may crumble. Learning the top reasons why weight loss plans fails is important so that you do not make these mistakes in your own life.

First, many weight loss plans fail because the people trying to lose weight follow too strict of a diet. When you cut back your calories, you will burn more than you eat, so you'll lose weight, right? If you do this gradually, then yes, it works like a charm. However, if you suddenly cut too many, you won't lose any weight at all because you metabolism will slow down. You also put yourself at danger for not getting enough for the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients you need every single day in order to stay healthy.

Another common mistake is trying to go at weight loss alone. Everything you do regarding weight loss, from dieting to exercising, will be a hundred times easier if you have a partner because you will push each other not to quit. Working with a support system on a large scale is also important. Your friends and family should know that you are attempting to lose weight so that they can help you on the process and not tempt you by doing things like baking you cookies or taking up your gym time. Also, remember that professionals, like doctors and trainers, should come into the weight loss plan to help you shed the pounds.

Setting unrealistic goals is another good way to fail at a weight loss plan. When you set goals that you can't easily reach, you push yourself to move forward and will feel successful even if you fall short. However, when you set impossible goals, you will find that you are easily frustrated. Don't weigh in every day, don't completely cut out all of the foods you eat on a regular basis, and don't exercise to much right away. Gradually build up to reaching the goals you really want for your life, but smart out with smaller ideas.

Lastly, simply know yourself. Weight loss plans fail when you attempt to be something you are not. Maybe you have wide hips'a weight lose plan won't completely change that, for example. You have to be happy with yourself on the inside before you change things on the outside in order to succeed at losing weight.

By: Gaetane Ross

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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Which Weight Loss Programs Work Best?

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With so many weight loss programs in the market these days it can become very difficult to work out which one to go for. The reality is most of these weight loss programs will work, however it is a matter of working out which one will work best for you. The bad news is that there are no magical program that will make all your weight just drop off, but there certainly are many options that do work.

Weight loss programs can be broken down into 4 areas. These weight loss programs include:

- diet/weight loss pills

- meal replacements

- fad diets or weight loss programs

- long term lifestyle weight loss programs.

Diet pills have become very popular in the last 10 years and certainly to some degree have shown success. Diet pills work by three different means: appetite suppressant, increased metabolism rate or decreased fat solubility. The problem is that no diet pill is without side effects. These can range from stomach cramps to diarrhoea and nausea. Without proper nutrition they can be quite dangerous and so as far as weight loss programs go it they are not a great idea.

Meal replacements have been around for more than 10 years as weight loss programs however they have now started to become better accepted in the dietetics community. Some of the meal replacement weight loss programs include Tony Ferguson weight loss and Kate Morgan weight loss programs. It is important for meal replacement weight loss programs that you substitute your other meals with plenty of fruit and vegetables, to make sure you are getting enough essential nutrients. These drinks can tend to become quite bland so at times it can be difficult to maintain. However there is a lot of positive results found for people who can stick to them.

Fad diets have been around since the dawn of time and there are always new and fantastic weight loss programs on the market. The thing to be most mindful of is that whilst many of these weight loss programs will work, very few of them will have lasting results. Most of these weight loss programs are highly calorie restricted and can cause the body to go into starvation mode. This has the effect of eating the body’s muscle and then putting it back on as fat when the diet is finished. Fad diets can work in the short term but be careful to use them as long term solutions.

The best weight loss programs are ones that promote long term weight loss. These generally require harder work but once a lifestyle shift occurs the long term results can be amazing. These types of weight loss programs include a balanced diet, with at least 2 servings of fruit and five vegetables everyday. They also include the required servings of protein, carbohydrates, diary and fat. Successful weight loss programs also include some form of regular exercise as even in moderate amounts exercise has a huge positive impact on health.

The type of weight loss program to go for really depends on your end goal, but if you are looking for long terms results, it is always best to go for the healthy long term approach. It may not be as glamorous as the other weight loss programs, but if you stick to it the results will speak for themselves.

By Michael Jenkins

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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Weight Loss Program And You

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When you are looking for a weight loss program, what do you normally look for in a program? You would first look for a program that is balanced between nutrition and exercise as well as addressing any other types of health concerns that you may be having besides the weight issues that you are looking into. You will also want a weight loss program that addresses your specific needs as far as weight loss and health are concerned. When searching for a program, it is best to take into consideration your particular needs and wants as far as a program of this type goes.

Another thing to look at when looking at any type of a weight loss program is the cost of the program. There are many different programs that are available on the market today, but some of them cost quite a bit to get started. Some don't cost a fortune to get started with and come with all that you need in order to get started on a weight loss program without too much trouble. You will also want to look at the diets closely as some are low sugar, low Glycemic, lean protein and other such factors such as purchasing food and other dietary needs before starting on any type of program of this sort.

Most weight loss program offerings will have a balance between nutrients and will also recommend an exercise program to go along with the program in question. Ones to watch out for though are those that are based simply on supplements only such as the teas that are reputed to help you to lose weight. You have to have a balanced diet and exercise as well as possibly taking medication. Supplements alone, do not make a diet. Nor do they make a safe weight loss program by themselves. Proper medical supervision is suggested when embarking on one of these programs.

Any weight loss program can be good to use, but bear in mind that no two people using the same diet will lose the same amount of weight in the same amount of time. Look for a weight loss program that can be tailored specifically to your needs and for your level of health and fitness. Also bear in mind that the program needs to be tailored to you specifically. This includes any type of medication or supplements that would be used in the program in question. As each diet needs to be tailored to the individual, it goes without saying that a professional's help should be sought.

There are many different weight loss program systems out there and most of them are good for dieting. The choice comes in when you want the best weight loss program for you. A careful researching either online or by phone can give you more information as to what the best one is for you. By researching the facts, you can choose a program that best suits your weight loss needs and weight loss goals that you want to reach in a safe and effective manner. Safety is mandatory when dealing with weight loss and weight reduction for anyone regardless of size or weight.

By Paul Matthew Moore

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

Weight Loss Programs - Shockingly Simple Ways to Lose Weight Quickly

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In trying to lose weight, one should choose the appropriate weight loss program. But what really are these so called weight loss programs and how can you tell which one is best for you. Weight loss programs are designed to put you, the subject, in a particular diet and other activities that will enable you to lose weight. Weight loss programs are mostly made to appear very easy and very promising to people who are trying to lose weight. However, one should take a closer look at what these programs offer and how effective they can be for you.

Most weight loss programs offer free consultation upon initial registration to find out just what method of weight loss is appropriate in your case. You will be consulting with a counselor and you will discuss all your concerns regarding weight loss as well as the underlying health ramifications that should be considered. The weight loss counselor should be well versed in nutritional health, exercise, and psychology.

Weight loss is never just about shedding weight, it is also about the total effect of the experience to the individual. Your counselor should be able to walk you through the possible psychological effects of the weight loss program/s they are offering.

Upon initial consultation, you will be weighed and you will be informed on what your ideal weight should be. You will then inform your counselor of just how much weight you want to lose. You will also be given a recommendation based on the consultation as to how much weight you should lose as well as a time frame for you to lose such amount of weight. In some programs, the counselor will be the one to pick the weight loss program for you and you will not have the liberty to choose. In any case, the counselor will tell you to follow exactly what the plan says in order to achieve your target weight.

Before you join the program you should be informed that the rate of weight loss is largely dependent on how well you follow the program. You will be advised to stay with the weight loss program until such time when you can already manage to stay on your targeted weight on your own. Keep in mind that this will not be an easy task and you may have to stay in a program for a considerable weight of time unless you are able to instill the most stringent self discipline.

After the consultation you will have to decide whether you will sign up or not, if you decide to sign up, you will be asked to sign some papers and pay a certain amount as membership fee. After which you will be given the schedule for your counseling sessions. This is needed in order to monitor your progress as well as to see how well you are following the program. Your counsellor will be responsible in giving you appropriate feedback regarding your progress. Many weight loss programs will require a weekly fee for the program; this is on top of the membership fee you will have to pay for up front.

Some programs charge a lot more than the others so will have to do some research regarding available weight loss programs and how much each of them charge. Also, look for programs with qualified weight and fitness counselors to ensure an expert hand that will be your guide throughout the program.

By Bernice Eker

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

6 Real Weight Loss Tips to Help You Make the Most of Your Weight Loss Program

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When you are beginning a new weight loss program (or trying to make your current weight loss program work for you) it can be a big help to have some handy tips to help you along. A weight loss program is almost always a huge undertaking for a lot of people and as such breaking down your program is going to break down your work and it's going to make sticking to your weight loss program a lot easier for you to stick to, and thus a lot more effective!

Weight Loss Tip #1: Get Real!

This is the first weight loss tip you're going to see in any article claiming weight loss tips. It's because setting unrealistic goals in your weight loss program is the most common error that deters a lot of people from really sticking with it. While it's good to have an ultimate goal, you want to set smaller goals for you to meet along the way. Setting smaller goals allows you to achieve them and get ever closer to your ultimate goal. Baby steps is the key to any weight loss program. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk right?

Weight Loss Tip #2: Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!

This is the most painful part at the start of any weight loss program, but it's one of the best things to do to get you started on your path to weight loss. It's time to get rid of your potato chips, your Coke, your hidden treasure trove of chocolate, and anything else you might have stashed away. Having this stuff around makes it way too easy for you to cheat while on your weight loss program, and unless you are a self-control machine then there's no way you're going to meet the goals you've set for yourself unless you take the precautionary steps to remove temptation. Make a list of the healthy foods you need and stock them in mass quantities. If you're worried about healthy food not tasting as good, look up some health food recipes because there is good stuff out there!

Weight Loss Tip #3: A Rewarding Weight Loss Program is a Successful Weight Loss Program

It's something you'll learn in any first year psychology class, human beings naturally excel at tasks when there is tangible or periodic reward. You want to buy that new CD that just came out? Well if you meet your next goal then treat yourself to your favourite music. Beware with rewards though, don't reward yourself with junk food, you've gotta stick to that weight loss program!

Weight Loss Tip #4: The Most Important Meal Of The Day!

You've heard the saying so many times about Breakfast being the most important meal of the day, but why do people say that all the time anyway? It's because it's true. Your breakfast provides you with the energy to keep going through the day, and eating a healthy breakfast will actually help you with your weight loss. When you don't eat breakfast it actually tricks your body in to believing that it could be starving and so it goes in to a mode which not only will hinder your self control around junk food, but it will also try and guard against the burning of precious fats and calories in your body (because you need that stuff to survive if you happen to be starving!) Always make sure to eat a complete breakfast! It really IS the most important meal of the day!

Weight Loss Tip #5: Don't Just Eat Healthy, ACT Healthy!

Hopefully your weight loss program already includes something about getting plenty of exercise. It's important to complement your weight loss program with a healthy dose of exercise. In fact, it's one of the big factors that can make or break your weight loss program. The fact is that if you can stick to a weight loss program which involves a proper diet and exercise, no matter what program it is, you WILL lose weight! It's what your body needs!

Weight Loss Tip # 6: So You Like To Sleep? That's Good!

7-8 Hours of Sleep per night. That's what the average adult needs each and every day. It keeps your body working in perfect order, it repairs all parts of your body and mind in tact and you need to keep both of those at your best in any weight loss program!

By Clara Fields

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Quick Weight Loss Program -- Tips To Find Good Ones

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If you are looking in to a lose weight quick program, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when making your decision:

A weight loss program should include all of the foods recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture and should allow the dieter to eat enough calories to keep their metabolism working full force.

Set goals- If the program you are looking in to wants you to write down your weight loss goals, you may have found the right diet plan. Studies have shown that by setting goals for yourself, and writing them down, you are more apt to stick with your diet and reach your goals. Try setting small goals each week (such as to eat less fat or lose 1.5 pounds), these mini goals are not as overwhelming as larger goals, like losing 50 pounds in three months, or whatever your final goal may be. Also, by achieving these smaller goals, we see that we are making progress and are more likely to continue trying than if we don't set any.

Calories are good- Yes, all quick weight loss program rules will tell you that you should limit your calorie intake per day if you are going to lose weight. But, cutting your calories too much can actually stall weight loss just as much as consuming too many calories per day. A good rule of thumb is to eat no less than 1,600 calories per day for men and 1,200 calories per day for women. Beware that some of these "lose weight fast" diets can be very unhealthy and can cause health problems of their own.

Exercise to speed losing weight - For our bodies to gain one pound, we must consume 3,500 more calories than our bodies burn. So, for every pound we want to lose, we must take 3,500 calories from our bodies. This can be achieved by either consuming fewer calories, or by raising our metabolism by exercise. A smart dieter on a quick weight loss program will cut calories to a healthy level and incorporate more exercise into their every day routines to flush more calories from their bodies. Of course, you can overdo exercise, so moderation is key for healthy weight loss.

A quick weight loss program must be healthy and allow the dieter to make healthy choices. Any diet that claims that a person can lose an unbelievable amount of calories in a very short amount of time is probably going to give unsound and unhealthy advice. A dieter should not have to cut out entire food groups from their diet to lose weight.

Remember that our bodies work like machines, and all food groups serve a purpose in keeping our bodies functioning at an optimal level. By cutting calories too low, doing extreme amounts of exercising and/or only eating certain foods we can actually cause our bodies to shut down and stop working correctly. Don't fall for the gimmicks. Work hard, set goals, and believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

By Stephen Choy

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