Monday 12 April 2010

A Simple Way To Measure The Food You Eat During a Weight Loss Program

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Many people ask: "I'm committed to losing weight but I get confused with all the different grams and amounts of food to eat. Is there a SIMPLE way to make sense of all this?


You need to start thinking of food in "portions". Don't even THINK of starting to count every calorie in every food or every protein gram. That will just confuse you.

Try eating 6 times a day and have a portion of protein and a portion of carbs in each meal. A portion is more or less the size of your fist. Don't try to "add" any fat - you will likely consume it whether you like it or not since it can be found almost everywhere.

Examples of "portions"


a 200-gram can of tuna
a cup of milk
half a chicken breast
3 eggs


A slice of bread.
An apple
a cup of rice

See? Is that too complicated? Look at the size of your fist and that's a very good rule of thumb (or rule of fist if you prefer).


Just combine a portion of protein with a portion of carbs every meal. If some fat exists as well, that's cool, don't sweat it...

The human eye can understand more or less how much "volume" an object has - and our brain is used to comparing "objects" of different size - that's how we can relate and make decisions.

Look at your carb portion. Is it the size of your fist (or palm)? Then you should be fine. If it's much bigger, then chances are that you won't be fine.

K.I.S.S: "Keep It Simple Smarty" (by the way, this is one of my favorite rock bands as well). You'll see that you'll get the hang of it in no time...

It's important that the weight loss program you follow is SIMPLE. The fewer parts a machine has, the better the chances that it will continue working without breaking down. Don't focus on the 95% of things that will give you 5% of the results. Focus on the 5% of things that will give you 95% of the results.

Don't go for a "100% perfect" weight loss program that you will only be able to stick to for 3 days. Go with an "80% perfect program that you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life without even thinking about it...

By: George Black

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