Saturday 27 March 2010

Weight Loss Programs - Shockingly Simple Ways to Lose Weight Quickly

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In trying to lose weight, one should choose the appropriate weight loss program. But what really are these so called weight loss programs and how can you tell which one is best for you. Weight loss programs are designed to put you, the subject, in a particular diet and other activities that will enable you to lose weight. Weight loss programs are mostly made to appear very easy and very promising to people who are trying to lose weight. However, one should take a closer look at what these programs offer and how effective they can be for you.

Most weight loss programs offer free consultation upon initial registration to find out just what method of weight loss is appropriate in your case. You will be consulting with a counselor and you will discuss all your concerns regarding weight loss as well as the underlying health ramifications that should be considered. The weight loss counselor should be well versed in nutritional health, exercise, and psychology.

Weight loss is never just about shedding weight, it is also about the total effect of the experience to the individual. Your counselor should be able to walk you through the possible psychological effects of the weight loss program/s they are offering.

Upon initial consultation, you will be weighed and you will be informed on what your ideal weight should be. You will then inform your counselor of just how much weight you want to lose. You will also be given a recommendation based on the consultation as to how much weight you should lose as well as a time frame for you to lose such amount of weight. In some programs, the counselor will be the one to pick the weight loss program for you and you will not have the liberty to choose. In any case, the counselor will tell you to follow exactly what the plan says in order to achieve your target weight.

Before you join the program you should be informed that the rate of weight loss is largely dependent on how well you follow the program. You will be advised to stay with the weight loss program until such time when you can already manage to stay on your targeted weight on your own. Keep in mind that this will not be an easy task and you may have to stay in a program for a considerable weight of time unless you are able to instill the most stringent self discipline.

After the consultation you will have to decide whether you will sign up or not, if you decide to sign up, you will be asked to sign some papers and pay a certain amount as membership fee. After which you will be given the schedule for your counseling sessions. This is needed in order to monitor your progress as well as to see how well you are following the program. Your counsellor will be responsible in giving you appropriate feedback regarding your progress. Many weight loss programs will require a weekly fee for the program; this is on top of the membership fee you will have to pay for up front.

Some programs charge a lot more than the others so will have to do some research regarding available weight loss programs and how much each of them charge. Also, look for programs with qualified weight and fitness counselors to ensure an expert hand that will be your guide throughout the program.

By Bernice Eker

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